Race 和 Ethnicity 在中文翻譯裡皆有「種族」的意思。差別在於Race 是以『外表』來區分,而Ethnicity是以『文化認同』來區分。
Race 在 Oxford Dictionary 的解釋:
each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics 參考連結
Ethnicity 在 A Dictionary of Sociology (3 ed.) 裡的解釋:
Individuals who consider themselves, or are considered by others, to share common characteristics that differentiate them from the other collectivities in a society, and from which they develop their distinctive cultural behaviour, form an ethnic group. 參考連結
Ethnicity 在 A Dictionary of Public Health 裡的解釋:
A term for the ethnic group to which people belong. Usually it refers to group identity based on culture, religion, traditions, and customs. In some contexts, it is a “politically correct” term equivalent to the word “race,” which may have pejorative associations. 參考連結
因此,Race是與生俱來的、無法改變的,而Ethnicity則和後天形成的。所以Ethnicity就會有高度、低度認同的差別。例如,有篇種族認同與公益廣告效益相關性的研究裡提到(註一),對黑人文化高度認同者(strong Black ethnic identifiers)比較偏好黑人文化為主題的公益廣告,而對黑人文化低度認同者(weak Black ethnic identifiers)則對黑或白人文化為主題的公益廣告沒特別偏好。所以如果Race是黑人,很可能因為他或她的Ethnicity不同或差異影響自身的資訊吸收。
此外,在Oxford Dictionary裡還提到Race 這字在意識型態上有爭議,所以會用people或是community來代替。
In recent years, the associations of race with the ideologies and theories that grew out of the work of 19th-century anthropologists and physiologists has led to the use of the word race itself becoming problematic. Although still used in general contexts, it is now often replaced by other words which are less emotionally charged, such as people(s) or community. 參考連結
註一:Wang, X. & Arpan, L. M., (2008), “Effects of race and ethnic identity on audience evaluation of HIV public service announcements”, The Howard Journal of Communications, 19(1), p.48-49